Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Light at the end of the tunnel

Wow! It has been a crazy over the last six days and it is finally wrapping up! The days looked something like this:

Wednesday: packing & cleaning, errands, driving to VA overnight

Thursday: arrive at 5am; sleep for a few hours; sell the washer/dryer from our townhouse; get the townhouse painted; drop off car for inspection; make a return; meet at DSW with our friend Gina; purchase a pair of tan shoes for Andrew; lunch at El Paso; a bit of shopping for me, a nap for Andrew; dinner with the sisters; chill for a few hours; pick up Chris from Airport; SLEEP

Friday: me = meet with Gina at ULTA for grand opening (one free gift!); brunch at the Silver Diner with sisters and Gina; to Lowes to pick up cleaning stuff; to townhouse to clean a bit & meet with landscaper; rush home to change and then head to the Valentine Museum for rehearsal & then the Bull and Bear Club for rehearsal dinner; SLEEP!!!!!

Saturday: up early to meet with Todd & Connie for breakfast; back to townhouse to finish cleaning; drop off Andrew at James' house; me = hang out with Dad and Nathan, including a visit to Toys R' Us, Sau's house, and Tan-A Supermarket; home to get ready for wedding and then off to the Valentine Museum for the wedding (congrats to Thomas n' Jenn!); then a visit to CVS; then SLEEP

Sunday: breakfast with family for Father's Day; relax for a bit, get stuff together for trip back; hit the road around 1 pm; arrive home at 10 pm...SLEEP!!!!!!!

Monday: SLEEP IN!

and that concludes the crazy long weekend in VA.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


another trip to NYC with the following results:
  • a visit to the Kinokuniya Japanese Bookstore = one expensive mechanical pencil
  • roaming the Sanrio Luxe store in Times Square and realizing how poor I am
  • finding the Muji store = handful of really awesome writing pens (www.muji.com)
  • visit to the Tracy Reese store - amazing stuff, but another realization of how poor I am
  • DSW in NYC (Union Square) sells Prada shoes and LeSportSac bags
  • Filene's Basement was easier to navigate than DSW
  • a lot of the TJMaxx/Marshalls commercials are true - they have the same clothes are many of the small boutiques for a lot less. I found a pretty dress in a boutique for $98 and realized that I saw the same thing in TJMaxx for $39.99
  • a lot of places close very early on Saturday evening
  • when you are tired, after seeing Bryant Park once, you don't want to see it three more times
  • umbrellas are good - it sucks if you don't have one when it is raining and you have to walk everywhere
  • if it is raining in NYC and you don't have an umbrella, the best part of the trip is coming home and taking a hot shower
- peace -

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

and the beginning after the end...

Today is the third day of being unemployed - upset? not really. unsettled? yes. why? can't really put a finger on it.

I'm not too worried - I know I'm a hard worker and that things happen for a reason. I can only hope that for once, the timing is right.

we'll see how things go - I'm optimistic.

Happy Tuesday!